mining mines, headframes, power plants, briquette plants ...
Belgium/Luxembourg mining in Belgium and Luxembourg
Beringen |
The abandoned coal mine 'Charbonnages de Beringen (Kleine Heide)' |
Péronnes |
The coal washery 'Lavoir Triage de Péronnes' and the adjacent 'Puits Saint-Albert' colliery |
Roton |
The coal dressing plant of the former 'Roton' colliery in Farciennes |
Czech Republik Mining in the Czech Republic
Great Britain Mining in Great Britain
Cornwall |
mining on tin and arsenic in Cornwall |
Germany mining in Germany
Rhine Area Lignite-industry in the area between Aachen and Cologne
Carl |
The demolition of the monument 'Brikettfabrik Carl' |
Wachtberg |
The briquette plant 'Wachtberg' in Frechen |
Lausitz |
Lignite in the Lausitz area: overburden transporter bridges, bucket chain excavators and power plants |
Leipzig |
Lignite industry near Leipzig: opencast mines, power plants and briquette plants |
Ruhr Area deep mining on hard coal in the Ruhr area
Zollverein |
The coal mine 'Zollverein' in Essen Katernberg |
Anna |
The 'Anna' colliery in Alsdorf |
Adolf |
The EBV colliery 'Adolf' in Herzogenrath Merkstein |
Meggen |
The pyrite mine in Meggen |
France Mining in France
France (North) |
Collieries in the North of France (including Drocourt coke plant) |
Ukraine mining in the Ukraine
coking plants coal converted into coke
Belgium coking plants in Belgium
Carcoke Tertre |
The abandoned 'Carcoke' coking plant 'Tertre' near Mons |
Buda Marly |
The abandoned coking plant 'Buda Marly' in Brussels |
Seraing |
The coking plant of 'Cockerill Sambre' ironworks in Seraing |
Germany coking plants in Germany
HKM coking plant |
The coking plant of the steelworks 'Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann' |
Kokerei Hassel |
The Hassel coking plant in Gelsenkirchen during it's demolition |
Anna |
The 'Anna' coke plant in Alsdorf |
Netherlands coking plants in the Netherlands
Sluiskil |
The abandoned coking plant in Sluiskil |
Great Britain coking plants in Great Britain
Italy coke plants in Italy
Italy |
coke plants in Italy |
Steelworks blast furnaces, cowper stoves, converters ...
Belgium steel mills in Belgium
hot rolling mill for stainless flat products
The SIDMAR steelworks at the Terneuzen - Gent canal |
Czech Republic steel industry in the Czech Republic
France steel mills in France
Boulogne-sur-Mer |
The COMILOG/SFPO ferromanganese works in Boulogne-sur-Mer, a cathedral of work |
Germany steel mills in Germany
DK Recycling |
The blast furnaces of 'DK Recycling' in Duisburg |
"Hoesch Spundwand und Profil" manufacturer of sheet pile sections |
Maxhütte |
The Maxhütte steelworks in Sulzbach Rosenberg |
wire rod mill ISPAT Walzdraht Hochfeld GmbH |
rolling mill of TSTG Schienen Technik GmbH |
steel mills using electric arc furnaces |
Great Britain steel works in Great Britain
Wales |
blast furnaces in South Wales |
Italy steel mills in Italy
Luxembourg steel mills in Luxembourg
Esch |
The steel mill in Esch |
The Netherlands Steel Industry in the Netherlands
Tata Steel IJmuiden |
The integrated Tata Steel Strip Products steelworks (formerly Corus, formerly Hoogovens) in IJmuiden |
Ukraine steelworks in the Ukraine
USA steelworks in the USA
Ohio & Mon |
steelworks in the Ohio and Monongahela valley |
Pittsburgh |
steelworks in the Pittsburgh area (Pennsylvania) |
Youngstown |
steelworks in Youngstown and Warren(Ohio) |
Cleveland |
the beauty of industrial landscape: steelworks in Cleveland (Ohio) |
Heimbach Specialities |
technical textiles mill Heimbach Specialities (former felt cloth factory Bruch & Cie.) |
P. Peters |
refractory materials factory P. Peters Fabrik feuerfester Produkte |
Bauer und Schaurte |
The screw manufacturing plant 'Bauer und Schaurte' formerly 'Funcke und Hueck' in Hagen |
stoneware tube factory |
"Steinzeugröhrenwerk Paul Teeuwen A.G." stoneware tube factory (Geilenkirchen Gillrath) |
Textilausrüstungs-Gesellschaft Schroers GmbH & Co. KG |
PKI Smurfit |
architecture of the abandoned paper-mill "PKI Smurfit" |
maltings |
Abandoned maltings in Bungay (Suffolk) |
Tyra Sawmill |
sawmill with steam engine at Trinec Tyra (Czech Republic) |
porphyry quarry |
The aerial ropeway of the "Vatter" porphyry quarry in Dossenheim |
technical monuments bridges, steam engines ...
Industrial Landscapes Landscapes and towns formed by industrial installations
Charleroi |
La Beauté de Charleroi - The bitter beauty of Charleroi |
Vesdre-Valley |
industry in the Vesdre valley from Eupen via Verviers to Liège |
Buschhausen |
The former raiway station Buschhausen at the line Aachen-West - Montzen |
RBW Knapsack |
narrow gauge railway-system of the RBW at Knapsack |