^ < industry in the Meuse valley
industrial impressions of the Meuse valley between Liège and Namur

Industrial Photography Archive
Industrial Landscapes

contact photographer  contact me   hfinster@gmx.de

old limekiln
old limekiln
Dumont-Wauthier limeworks
Dumont-Wauthier limeworks
Dumont-Wauthier limeworks
Dumont-Wauthier limeworks
Dumont-Wauthier limeworks
Dumont-Wauthier limeworks
stone quarry
stone quarry
stone quarry
stone quarry
"Dolomites de Marche-les-Dames" cement plant
"Dolomites de Marche-les-Dames" cement plant
Moulins de Statte
Moulins de Statte
lime kiln
lime kiln
Prayon chemical plant: conveyor
Prayon chemical plant: conveyor
Prayon chemical plant: spherical gas holder (ammonium)
Prayon chemical plant: spherical gas holder (ammonium)
Prayon chemical plant
Prayon chemical plant
Dumont-Wauthier limeworks
Dumont-Wauthier limeworks
iron foundry
iron foundry
iron foundry
iron foundry
iron foundry
iron foundry
iron foundry
iron foundry
iron foundry building
iron foundry building
Forges de Zeebrugge
Forges de Zeebrugge
Forges de Zeebrugge
Forges de Zeebrugge
sawtooth roof
sawtooth roof

©   Harald Finster, Gulpener Str. 26, 52074 Aachen, Germany   industrial photography
$Id: Style.xsl,v 7.21 2010/11/20 09:15:16 finster Exp $   $Id: IndustrialLandscapes.xml,v 4.25 2010/11/20 09:39:01 finster Exp $